PETRA Workshop

Date: June 22nd
Time: 15:00-18:00
Place: Faculty of Business Administration and Management of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)

The workshop will focus on presenting the main research findings about the Reform of teaching at higher education institutions in Azerbaijan. The higher education reform is performed throughout the partnership among the Azerbajanii Universities, the Azerbajanii Minsitry of Education and a cluster of European Universities led by the UPV (

The primary goal of the workshop consists of building a model of excellence in learning and teaching to guide and methodologically support the higher education process in Azerbaijan (by learning from European Universities) which will further disseminate this idea and model to other higher education systems.

The workshop will tackle the following issues:

  • Building human resources capacities at Higher Education environment.
  • Enhancement of the employment of technology and innovation in higher education, providing suppor for teaching and research.
  • Train the trainers: Development of pedagogical techniques to improve the teaching-learning process.
  • Establishment of long-term partnership between Azerbaiyani and European Universities.
  • Development of Teaching Learning centers at Univeristies to promote the excellence of higher education.